The capitalism of decades to come

SSPerform is based on stakeholder theory that has its roots in 1984 with the publication, by scholar Edward Freeman, of the book Strategic Management: A stakeholder Approach.

In essence, stakeholder theory defines that the purpose of a business is to create value for all stakeholders (employees, customers, suppliers, communities, and financiers, among others).

Freeman, at the time, opposed the statement by Milton Friedman, winner of the Nobel Prize in economics, who in 1970 published an article in the Harvard Business Review in which he proposed that the objective of companies is to bring financial return to company owners and shareholders. This vision of Friedman's had guided the principles of capitalism for decades.

Other authors and entities also contributed to the evolution of the principles of capitalism. Elkington (1998) proposed that, in addition to financials, sustainability results (social and environmental), the basis of current ESG precepts, should also be considered.

Recently, in August 2019 and, in line with Freeman's postulates, the American entity Business Roundtable (BRT) announced its commitment to stakeholder satisfaction.

With this commitment, signed by 181 CEOs of the largest global companies, the socio-environmental bias of capitalism represented by the satisfaction of all stakeholders is now anchored in a powerful ally.

No other association in the world brings together, interacts with and can satisfy the interests of such a large and diverse number of stakeholders.

BRT brings together millions of employees and customers, millions of small and large P&S suppliers, thousands of communities served, and countless social entities benefit from this immense network.

In turn, the performance indicators were updated over time to reflect the purpose of capitalism and companies’ objectives.

Until the early 1990s, when Friedman's ideas prevailed, performance was measured only by financial metrics.

It is known that the work of Kaplan & Norton (1992) was a milestone in the business measurement system.

At that time, these authors introduced the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) concept and, since then, dozens of unprecedented business performance indicators, including intangible metrics, have been used by companies in addition to financial ones.

There is currently a massive use of key performance indicators (KPIs) that are different and independent of each other.

To designate the performance of a certain area of the company, a set of correlated indicators is necessary.

In other words, one set of quality indicators needs to be applied to indicate the quality of P&S, other sets to indicate the company's performance in work safety, or customer satisfaction, and so on.

However, measuring the overall performance of a company is still an unanswered question.

Thus, filling this gap, stakeholder satisfaction is proposed as a single metric to assess the overall performance of a company.

This proposition takes into account the clear evolution of the concept of corporate objective centered on the satisfaction of shareholders to the satisfaction of all stakeholders and is based on the fact that, from the perspective of stakeholders, a company has good or bad performance insofar as its needs are being met or not. Therefore, since stakeholder satisfaction is assumed as a natural principle or assumption of performance, it is already sanctioned by the majority, as every principle or assumption of any phenomenon should be.

The data reported above, by themselves, eliminate any doubt that the satisfaction of stakeholders will consolidate itself as the central objective of companies, that is, in the new format of capitalism in the coming decades.

Thus, SSPerform is in line with the most recent management precepts, its application promotes individual learning and is an excellent tool for managers who wish to evaluate and understand the performance of their company, as well as implement improvements through practices and values that constitute an effective culture for performance.

Study references

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